Twos program
Ready 2 Learn
Sunrise Preschools is a place where two-year-olds can bring the same magic and joy they bring to you at home – to the classroom and to their peers. Our smile-making and adventure-seeking teachers walk alongside your child as they continue to discover their world and familiarize themselves with it. As your energetic little one continues on their developmental path, our educators provide the same guidance and support parents and families can come to expect from Sunrise Preschools.

A wonder-filled curriculum for wonderful children
Our approach to helping two-year-olds build their foundation for learning and growth hinges on activities centered around hands-on exploration, imaginative play, and empowering children to continue creating social relationships with their teachers and classmates. Building and nurturing inquisitive minds is what our Twos program is all about.

A hands-on day as one of our Twos
A day in our Twos program consists of working with our talented team of educators and teachers to foster social interactions intertwined with outdoor activities, hands-on play, lessons that teach language and creative skills, and more. Connecting concepts of learning and education with those centered around social bonds gives your two-year-old a leg up and a headstart from now, through grade school, and beyond.
Twos program learning milestones
As with all of our programs, our proprietary HighReach Learning curriculum pulls from studies and research to create a timeline of developmental milestones that two-year-olds typically achieve during this phase of their young lives. Our talented team of teachers keeps a close eye on your child to ensure that they are getting the most out of their time with us, both in terms of achievements and smiles.

Development and emergent literacy
- Repetition of words
- Taking turns during conversations
- Attempting to sing songs and tunes
- Gaining a better understanding of quantity
- Sorting objects by color, size, or shape
- Beginning understanding of sequential routine
Science and learning about the world
- Ability to describe what they are seeing
- Gaining an understanding of cause and effect relationships
- Accurate classification of objects or things
Social-emotional development
- Calming themselves down after being upset
- Becoming aware of the feelings of others
- Engaging in parallel play
Learning approaches
- Asking open-ended or “why”-based questions
- Using objects as tools to accomplish things
- Attempting tasks before asking for additional help
Physical health and development
- Running and kicking balls
- Washing hands with help
- Having an increased sense of balance

How we partner with parents
Sunrise Preschools has a convenient mobile app, SPS Moments, which allows parents and families to follow along with their little one’s day through updates sent directly to your device. Families can download SPS Moments on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Caring for your child is an honor that we take seriously – that’s why we’re committed to providing high-quality child care in a safe and nurturing environment, as well as giving parents a way to be a part of their child’s learning journey.
A world of wonder built for two-year-olds
With the HighReach Learning curriculum and our team of wonder-weaving educators, our Twos explore, play, form meaningful relationships, and create memories. Your child can be curious, inquisitive, imaginative, and everything in between.